Sunday, October 9, 2011

Orwell Dam with the boys!

Brody, Weston and I went to the Orwell Dam yesterday.  It was overcast, 65 degrees and buggy.  I thought the fish would be biting, and was hoping for a walleye or two.  I purchased a box of angle worms, peanut M&Ms and a 12 pack of Coke.  My wonderful father-n-law, Gary, swears by worms; especially for river fishing.  No such luck for the boys and me.  I did switch over to the rubber tube, Gitzit.  We ended up catching two smallies.  The boys had fun reeling them in.

We also met another family while fishing.  We gave them some tips, and I gave them a Gitzit to try.  They also were using the angle worm with no luck.  The Gitzit I gave them produced one smallie for them as well.  We didn't spend long fishing, as the boys were getting bored.  Once they starting running off, I decided to take the line in and let them play at the park. Hopefully one day, the boys will rather fish than swing, slide and spin at the park.

The next time I take them fishing, I am going to tell them that they can not have any M&Ms or Coke until they at least catch five fish each.   Just kidding.  So far, fishing has been fun.  They are certain to take up fishing if they find it a fun experience:)

A shout out to my friend Todd.  We went fishing a month ago on Big Birch Lake and slaughtered them.  I did not blog about it because I was so busy.  The pictures in todays post are from that day, August 21st, I think.  Both Todd and I did well that gorgeous day.  We caught some nice smallies, a fairly large crappie, a very nice Large Mouth Bass, Northern and maybe a sheep head.

Ice fishing is just around the corner.  I am trying to talk the wife into a portable 4man ice house.  There is one on Amazon that is fairly cheap.  I am sure to get more time fishing if I can bring the family, well the boys anyways.

I am hoping to get some time in the deer stand soon, perhaps this week.  I am dreaming of the monster buck.  I have some good literature about bow hunting.  One article indicated that where the does are, there are bucks too.  Lets hope so.

Peace out!

1 comment:

  1. Don,
    I'm glad you are getting out and about creating memories with the boys. You have beautiful places to go.
    Your boys are growing up and pretty soon they will be pros at casting, catching and reeling. Just think of that!
    Then your wife can stay home and pamper herself, do homework, whatever!
    Keep it real and get a deer bro!
