I was informed today by my domestic assistant (DA) that I was "in charge" of dinner. What a great opportunity to have venison for dinner. I pulled out a package of chops and steaks and let them thaw. I took a stick of soft butter, lemon juice, and Cilantro and mixed them together and set it aside. To prepare the rub for the meat: I took 3 tablespoons of A1 Steak Sauce, added a tablespoon of Ground Cayenne Red Pepper and half of tablespoon of Garlic Powder (I recommend more, and salt). I rubbed this mixture into the steaks and chops and fried them on a skillet for about 3.5 - 4 minutes per side. I served this dish to my family with Red Potato. The butter mixture was for the warm, soft, tender venison. It was delicious. Both of my boys enjoyed the venison. My wife scored it 8 of 10. Success! The only change I would make is to grill them, vs. frying them.
If I keep serving meals like this, the DA may authorize extended hunting trips. All part of the master plan. You see folks, It pays to have venison in the freezer, even if it means shooting the small ones. Ha!